The Crystal Business Finance News
Significant birthdays…
Two of our Directors celebrated significant birthdays this month. This resulted in a few sore heads but lots of laughs and much merry making.
Yorkshire Marathon nailed’ish
It was perfect running weather even though my training had not been the most diligent. I had be getting hip pain after every training run so hadn't run for a couple of weeks before race day. Things went well up to half way but then fell apart, despite a high five from...
Crystal Agents Meeting – a resounding success
Crystal's agents meeting which took place late last month was a resounding success.
From Skidpans to Stunt Bikes – Irizar iDrive Day 16th August
And all shapes and sizes of Irizar Coaches in between. Crystal was proud to sponsor the Irizar iDrive Day on 16th August at Rockingham Race Track. Guests were treated to the full range of Irizar coaches being not only on display but also available to test drive around...
Ele completed Ashbourne Half…and survived the hills
Ele says, "I was dreading this race as I had heard about the hill at mile 7. In the end it wasn't too bad and I really surprised myself with how strong I felt in the second half of the race."
Mike’s having a mid-life crisis, should have just bought a Porsche!
Click the heading for images.
Crystal receives an award
Crystal receives "Valued Partner 2016" award from Aldermore Bank.
Ele smashes British Heart Foundation Warwick Half Marathon last Sunday
Ele says, "I'm really pleased with my time. It's only the second time I have run a sub 2 hour half. Really looking to improve on this time when I do Solihull Half Marathon in early April." It was cold and windy with heavy rain at the start but thankfully conditions...
New starters – welcome on board.
Crystal is to delighted to welcome Lawrence Philips and Richard Coleman on board. Lawrence is enthusiastic and has a strong pedigree in sales and customer service. He works across all sectors specialising in everything from soft assets to construction. Also a keen...
Welcome to our new website!
Welcome to our new website, we hope you find it useful. Please check back regularly to see information on how we can improve your business, check out our latest news and find details of all our specialists. Happy browsing!